There is no one out there that can or should be trying harder to make your body, health or life what you want it to be .... except you! 50% of the women that I talk to have given up on themselves As a coach AND a woman that is unacceptable. The minute you allow yourself to stop trying you fail! Fortunately I know how to bring my clients back from that dark place... And it is my mission to do so for every woman I can. So what makes my program so different?? A LOT! But especially these 6 KEY COMPONENTS>>>> 1) SCIENCE Science is the FOUNDATION of my proven system. You should never rely on opinion 2) EDUCATION It is my mission to educate every client to understand their own body's UNIQUE needs above all 3) BUILDING BLOCK METHOD There is a natural and imperative order that MUST be implemented for weight loss to be successful and sustainable 4) SUPPORT My mission is to exceed expectations with 24/7 access to me via email, text message, phone and a secret Facebook group, my clients never feel alone or have any unanswered questions. 1 on 1 AND group support is KEY 5) EXIT PLAN The BLS program not only helps clients reach their goals but has a Built-in exit strategy to ENSURE sustainability 6) COST What would the rest of your life living in a body that you LOVE be worth to you? How would that change your Self-esteem, Relationship, Work, Energy level, Sleep and Health? Would it surprise you to know $10-$15K Is the AVERAGE amount spent in a 5 to 7 year period of time on unnecessary doctor visits, missed work for sickness, medications, quick fix diets and junk food... Where are you wasting your money?) BLS is priced so that everyone who is Committed, Coachable and Resourceful can afford it AND it is less than the average person spends in one year on junk food ALONE! What would you do with ALL that money NOT being wasted? Learn how on your Free Strategy Call here: