rockin' beauty STUDIO
Appointment Only Providing customized solutions for ABQ Hair + Makeup
Appointment Only Providing customized solutions for ABQ Hair + Makeup
Wednesday, it's hump day. Let's get over the hump and get your appointments booked. You can book right from the book now button on this page or go to Clients love booking their own appointments and if you have any questions email: Book 24/7 at your convinience or pre-booking appoinments is ideal. I'm working on creating a great experience at rockin' beauty STUDIO. I am no longer going to be booking appointments via text or through messenger. I get so many messages and it gets overwhelming. I also get so many calls from telemarkers or someone trying to sell me a product or service. When I am with a client I can't necessarily walk away, pick up the phone while they are getting color or haircuts, it's not a good idea, plus I only have two hands. Lol I want to thank all my clients for being the best and for utilizing the awesome online booking service. Everyone has a phone or laptop these days, so I've gotta keep up with the changes within the industry as well as giving you a way to book without waiting or being overlooked. I also have a section for new clients and I'm working on simplizing the process. I love referrals and keep sending them my way, my clients are the best and a referral is like getting a new awesome client! Have an awesome Wednesday, looking forward to seeing you all soon! Get in before it fills up, I'm grateful for you all. Happy hump day! Mel Vigil ABQ
So many colors, these are just a few. Our end goal is in the final photo, scroll through the pics. I posted the processing pic for this type of hair color, right before this one. So if you scroll through the pics you will see the stages of some of the colors that were done. Going from a dark level 2 color all the way to the end pic with more than one session, no heat and plenty of foils! These colors take time, money and patience, once you there the maintenance has to be done! Sulfate free, color safe shampoo, not washing everyday and occasional deep conditioner treatments are a must! These colors are temporary so you do need the touch ups as well if you want to keep the color fresh. Colorful hair is a high maintenance hair life and roots must be retouched every 4 weeks, 6 weeks at the most depending on your hair growth. If it's not maintained it turns into a color correction because once your root grows longer than two inches it's harder to lift to the desired lightness needed for these colors. There will be a band and it must be removed to have a solid canvas for the vivid colors! So many things go into vivid colors and these are a few, they are beautiful, colorful but it also comes with making sure your hair stays healthy! Booking a free consultation is the first step if you are considering the vivid color life! #vividcolors #foils #highmaintenance #beautiful #mermaid #hair #melvigilabq #IdowhatIwant/Love #albuquerque #abq #abqhair #rockinbeautystudio @ rockin' beauty STUDIO
So cute!!
Photoshoot fun! I've been working with CTB photography for about 4 years now and I'm always excited to see what the final look will be.... Everyone has their own style, there own vision and when it all comes together it's truly the best! So if you see different styles of photos on my feed it's because of the the diversity of the photographers and I love each and everyone of them! When I'm not behind the chair you will find me working on fashion, lifestyle, and business professional photoshoots! #albuquerque #abq #abqphotos #melvigilabq #rockinbeautystudio #photoshoot
I hope you all had a wonderful Father's day! Here is a photo of my pops and I. He was the first one to get a shampoo at the studio. It's a great day to celebrate our wonderful Father's and I'm grateful for everything my dad has done for me, my mom, niece and brother. He is a tough, loving wonderful man with a huge heart and I love him very much! Happy Father's day pops and to many more! #fathersday #2018 #family #love #lovewhatyoudo #livealifeyoulove #melvigilabq #rockinbeautystudio #abq #albuquerque
Foils, foils and more foils! Hair color is amazing, it can be time consuming, bit it is also gratifying when it's all done! Here is little bit of what the industry calls #processing at it's finest! #hairprocess #hairfoils #hairdressermagic #melvigilabq #IdowhatIwant/Love #albuquerque #abq #rockinbeautystudio
Flashback Friday to the day I met one of my favorite hairdressers in person @samvillahair he is inpsirational, knowledgeable, humble and really cares about how we treat our clients when they sit in our chair! A great educator and I got to talk to him for a bit after the class right here in #abq Did you know he was originally from New Mexico? Thank you for visiting us here in Albuquerque, Sam and for all the videos I've watched and learned from, it was a great day indeed! I'm always grateful for being able to to what I love and share it with others! I passionate about the industry and love being able to help others feel confident and beautiful by educating, creating, and giving my best, always! Hair & makeup are my ways of showing the world I am @melvigilabq doing what I love and loving what I do on a daily basis! I aspire to be as great one day as all the hairdressers & makeup artists that have made a difference in the beauty industry! #flashbackfriday #albuquerque #newmexico #samvillahair #melvigilabq #IdowhatIwant #rockinbeautystudio #hairdresser #makeupartist #beautypreneuer
A little Monday laughter. Wow, if hair could would make it easier for me. Hahaha
A beautiful bombshell hair transformation. Beautiful, soft and gorgeous hair color and cut for the beautiful @brain328 Scroll to see the before photo. #rockinbeautystudio #abqhair #abqlocal #abq #MelVigilABQ #albuquerque #newmexico #hair #transformation @ rockin' beauty STUDIO