Parisa Beauty Salon
Parisa Beauty Salon is located in heart of downtown Carlsbad. Its cozy and homie salon that makes the client feel comfortable. Open since February 2015.
Hair Salon Beauty Supply Store Cosmetics Store
Parisa Beauty Salon is located in heart of downtown Carlsbad. Its cozy and homie salon that makes the client feel comfortable. Open since February 2015.
Hair Salon Beauty Supply Store Cosmetics Store
Why essential oils are the best to have at home and use them daily?! Read the article below for more amazing benefits of these oils. One of the oils that is good for hair is Rosemary: Can naturally thicken hair so it is great to add to homemade shampoos. Also, it improves brain function and memory so it’s great to used when working, reading or studying. #essentialoils #hair #healthyliving #healyourself #benefitsofessentialoils
How to have a healthy Hair and skin! Number 1 is healthy eating
Homemade beauty Recipes
Hello all As you know Valentine's Day is around the corner, it will pass super fast. Treat your loved one with our gift certificate so they can come and get spoiled
Do woman really have to color their hair? Gray hair is part of this life and everyone will have gray hair sooner or later, it's about how you deal with it . Embrace what makes you happy and looks good on you and don't listen to what people want you to look like. #beauty #grayhair #loveyourself #gogray #colorhair #yourchoice #noforce #embraceyourlook
Curious why people go Bold? Here is the answer and solution. #hair #boldhair #hairloss #solutions #reasons #science #beconstantlycurious
#hair #todaysfashion #cutsandcolor
#casteroil #strangeeffects #goodforhair #pain and more.