Misty Holloway at Glenda's beauty salon
I offer haircuts, color, highlights, perms, shampoo and styles, updos, waxing, manicures (Shellac) and microdermabrasion facials.
200 N. 15th Street, Suite 4 - zipcode: 75110, Corsicana - TX
I offer haircuts, color, highlights, perms, shampoo and styles, updos, waxing, manicures (Shellac) and microdermabrasion facials.
Please call 4307759828
I have appointments available for a relaxing, rejuvenating facial. Please call me at 430-775-9828 or message me here.Have a Fabulos day!!!
Facials, manicures, hair!!! Call me at 430-775-9828 or message me here. Look forward to hearing from you!!!
Beautiful highlights that I did on 7/3/18