Hayah Beauty is super excited to be featured in the September 2017 issue of Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide. We are honored to be featured in the Natural Hair DIY fall styles on page 72. We are so grateful for our publicist, @loveteiab @ilovepublicity and the Love Publicity team for consistently working behind the scenes to ensure we are always on national radar! You are nothing less than AMAZING Teia! We are also grateful to @jmlovers J&M Photography for always capturing the most polished showcases of our Hayah Beauty style options. Your company's standard of excellence is UNMATCHED! Thank you Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide for providing and platform for Hayah Beauty to keep the beauty industry current on cutting edge hair and beauty trends. Most importantly, thanks to our model and my quintessential beauty, Meagan Peace for being AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL in every way! #hayahbeauty #darriuspeace #manemaestro #braidsandcurls #hairandpolitics #myhairaintnappy #sbh #naturalhair #naturallycurly #naturalhairsalon #sophisticatesblackhair #curls #coloredhair #coloredcurls #diyhair #coils #curlfest #curlfriends #curlsgonewild #trialsntresses #naturalhairdaily #naturalhairexpert #yournaturalhairexpert #naturalhairman