Gainesville Pet Boutique
A specialty store for people who care about the best products for their dogs-large or small.
A specialty store for people who care about the best products for their dogs-large or small.
We have these little tees at the store. I put one on my dog Mellie to keep her warm while doing her serious squirrel chasing in the mornings. They look adorable on the dogs and we have a good supply of them. Come on over to the store and get one.
Surprise! Surprise! We are going to be open on Monday this week because of Christmas shoppers and grooming more dogs for the holiday. When I told the dogs, it created a head tilt!
See, even dogs like the lights and trees at Christmas time. Our little boutique is quite festive and we have tons of goodies for your dogs. Come on in and see for yourself on Tuesday since we are closed tomorrow.
It is holiday season for sure and I have talked to a lot of people who say they are more stressed out this year. Do like me. If you feel stressed, hug your dog! Yep! That will calm our entire being.
It has been so cold and nature looks pretty dead here in the winter. Here is a picture of a spring background. Enjoy and make sure for now, you have sweaters and coats for your dogs if they spend time outside. Remember, if we are cold, they are cold.
Is your dog exhausted from Christmas (like mom and dad)? I know mine were. Well, now we have a new year coming up, so everybody rest up and gear up for 2015.
Is there anything we would not buy for our best friend? When I saw this picture, I got the answer. NO!!! Love this!
I am going to cook some greens and black eyed peas for the new year to be sure 2015 brings abundance to all of us!!!!
Don't they look adorable with their Christmas goodies? We have Christmas collars with bells and reindeeer horns too. Oh, and we don't want to forget the vast array we have or Christmas bandanas. Come on in and get some before Christmas and dress them up for a fun day when it gets here next week.